Recently I helped local tattoo artist Jake B. design new business cards and helped update his personal branding. The most logical next step was to update his website and help get his name out there.

This was my first working website I have built from scratch all on my own. Up until this point I have been doing the design only and had someone else work on the coding. I chose to use WordPress to build his site and since it’s relatively easy and I know some code, I taught myself how to use it in very little time. WordPress is also really easy for the client to make updates and post new content without having to depend on the designer for help.

We wanted to keep the same look and feel from the business cards and Jake wanted it simple. I wanted to use a grid layout since they work well with portfolios. I kept the same basic black and green and after a few different themes I finally settled on one that fit what we wanted. It also works extremely well on mobile and tablet.

I feel much more confident now after working on this site that I feel I can take on a lot more website building. If you need a website, or know someone who does do not hesitate to contact me. Also be on the lookout for my website version 2.0 coming soon.

screen shot of jakes website

Jake B Website



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